Friday, June 19, 2015

Hey You! Welcome!

nebraska wedding

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Carrie. I recently signed on for wifely duties and co-homeownership with Gunnar, my husband. We dated for approximately sixty-eight ten years before tying the knot on September 13, 2014. I work for the Lied Center for Performing Arts and love practicing yoga and cooking Persian food in my spare time. He just landed an assistantship at the University of Nebraska at the School of Natural Resources, is crazy for cycling and has a different hot sauce for every food. We both adore old homes so buying a new [to us] house was at the top of our newlywed to do list… right after booking a killer honeymoon trip to Chile and Argentina, that is. When we’re not ripping out shag carpet or replacing light fixtures from the 1980s, you can find us putzing around in the garden, canning vegetables or organizing the garage. In bed by 9 PM, of course.

our house

Shortly after our wedding, we closed on an old brick Tudor home near downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. She was built in 1935 and is quite the charmer. We are on a tight budget and doing most of the renovations ourselves… a bold choice during the first year of marriage… just wait for the post when I talk about refinishing floors.

Anywoo, I’ll use this space to talk about our remodeling endeavors, urban gardening adventures, renovation nightmares, DIY disasters and why you should never embark on a home remodel during your first year of marriage.

I look forward to oversharing all of the unfortunate details with you!


  1. I look forward to reading all of the unfortunate details you overshare. You're off to a great start. My husband and I are just finishing some home renovations and we wish you luck. ;)
