Friday, June 26, 2015

Old Houses and Choosing the Perfect Paint Color

pebble stone paint

If it were up to me, every room in our house would be a different color with a neon accent wall. My boring husband however, not so much (kidding, honey!). When we first moved in to our home, I knew painting was an immediate and much needed cosmetic upgrade. I could only live with the asylum white walls for 47 hours… maybe 52… but those extra five hours would pure misery for anyone in my crazy, color-craving path.

I know white, minimalist walls are having a big moment right now, especially on THEEE greatest design site in the whole world, but they’re not for me. After many, many arguments a mature, respectful and quiet discussion, we finally landed on two of the most beautiful colors in the world (with equally inspiring names): Behr’s 750D-4 and 750D-5.

Also known as Desert Shadows and Pebble Stone. I’m convinced that there’s some kind of blue/black, white/gold dress conspiracy going on here because on these look green in my house. See?

desert shadows paint

Normally I would go for bold and bright, but for our 1930s home, with its small rooms and imperfect walls, a neutral seemed most appropriate (never mind it was the only thing we could agree on). Now’s the part when I offer some unsolicited advice about choosing the perfect paint color(s) for your space.

behr pebble stone

1. If you have a small home like ours, consider using multiple shades on the same swatch. You can see pretty much all of the rooms on the main floor standing in one spot. Multiple, contrasting colors would make the space look too busy and super small. Instead we chose two shades off the same swatch and alternated between them throughout most of the rooms on the main floor. The entry way is the slightly darker shade, living room and hall light, dining room and bedrooms dark. I love the subtlety and cohesiveness as you walk from room to room.

2. Take a chance. Nowadays you can get a dozen of those adorable little paint samples, paint them all on the wall side by side and spend days torturing yourself over the slightest nuances from one beige to the next. Maybe you’re into that. Cool. I’m not. I’m way too impatient and like the majority of my DIY projects to be done in a weekend (much to my husband’s chagrin). I say pick what you like and then just go for it. I think it’s just about impossible to envision what a room is going to look like based on a square foot sample. Paint is cheap. Just do it already!!!

3. Get weird with it. Paint the ceiling. Paint an accent wall. Use masking tape and paint half of the wall. I'm really inspired by this hotel. I did a chalk board paint wall in our dining room and we absolutely love it.

4. If you're painting an old house, use a flat paint. The shiny stuff shows every little imperfection. I feel like the people at Home Depot are always trying to convince me to go for an eggshell or semi-gloss. I'm not into it, Home Depot!

5. Neutrals aren't all bad. I'll admit, at first I was really resistant, but I love the freedom a neutral wall color gives me to change up little things like rugs and throw pillows... which I change every chance I get. It's a problem.

What about you? Any major painting projects you've regretted? Any huge successes? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Hi Carrie! When we moved into our home, we painted everything except the kitchen and bathroom. Mainly, because those two rooms needed additional work. In January of this year, I had the brilliant idea to paint the kitchen beige over a weekend. We absolutely hated it. The next two weeks we slaved after work each night repainting it white. I am really happy we decided to paint it over (again), because the other color was not working. It was a major pain, but sometimes you just don't know how it will look until the color is on the wall. Lesson learned though - project ALWAYS take longer than anticipated!

    1. Painting kitchens is the absolutely worst!!! So many nooks and crannies. I'm glad you finally landed on something you love!
