Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Living Room Makeover Reveal!

It’s tough to improve on perfection but we try oh so hard. That enormous propeller dangling from the ceiling. The elegant drapes. That lush carpet, not a minute over 38.

There were just a few updates we wanted to make to the living room.

Just a few.

Task 1: Remove vile 80s carpet and revive beautiful original hardwood floors. A big, fat, painful CHECK! You can read about all of the horrifying details HERE.

Task 2: Fireplace makeover. Extract weird (definitely explosive) gas fireplace. Replace with gas fireplace insert from this century. Check!

Task 3: Remove enormous/ugly ceiling fan and replace with a less conspicuous, true to the age of our house ceiling medallion. Done!

Task 4: Allow sunlight to actually enter the room. Perhaps my favorite improvement. The previous homeowners (though I’m sure they were lovely people!) had extremely heavy drapes on the windows. Even though we darkened the paint from their choice, white, to our choice, a darker gray/tan/green shade, this room looks so much more open and bright. Check!

Task 5: Add lots of personality - new furniture and accessories, a fresh coat of paint, lighting, tons of house plants, artwork and photos (our unhealthy obsession with the dog can’t be missed). Checkity-check-check-check!

Yet to come: Our television is looking a little dorm room chic at the moment. We plan to remove it from this room all together and banish it to the basement.

Bam! After! Better? I think so.

Have you made any improvements to your living room? I’d love to hear about them!


  1. The before picture looks like an interrogation room or sensory deprivation space. Wow! Huge difference. "After" is very warm, comfy, and inviting. But what do you do when it's all done? What's next?

  2. Hahaha! Let's hope "interrogation room chic" never becomes a thing. And thank you! Um, what ISN'T next? Kitchen, basement, bathrooms, bedrooms... They all need work. :)
