Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Multi-Phase Kitchen Renovation

Our kitchen has made major process in the past couple of weeks. Admittedly I was kind of in a love/hate relationship with the prospect of tackling this one. Okay, so I feel that way about every home renovation project we take on. But this one especially. Kitchen renovations are EXPENSIVE.
We immediately went to the house as soon as they handed us the keys. In the many, many weeks it takes to close on a house, you kind of forget what it even looks like. I remember walking into the kitchen and thinking “Those bastards. They shrunk the kitchen. It was not this small when the realtor showed it to us.”

kitchen renovation before after

Well part of the problem was that GINORMOUS breakfast bar. So ugly. SO huge. Such a waste of space. That had to go immediately.

We had been toying with the idea of getting new kitchen cabinets. The ones the house came with were, well, hideous. But there was just no way new cabinets were in the cards budget wise. Unless we wanted to live on Ramen Noodles for the rest of our lives. Secretly, my husband would probably love that.

We took a pretty big risk and decided to attempt to paint the crappy cabinets. I know. So brave. So fearless. The risky part was the colors we chose. We talked about doing something a little more subdued but opted for two pretty wild shades. We figured the moment we win the lottery we’ll have new custom cabinets installed anyway, so why not live a little in the meantime. 

kitchen makeover

We also popped on some new, much more modern hardware. They don’t even look like the same cabinets!

The most exciting update was without a doubt our new appliances. I’M BANANAS FOR OUR NEW APPLIANCES. I love them so, so much. The previous stove was electric so we did have to hire a plumber to come in and hook up the gas line.

samsung appliances

kitchen diy

Kitchen renovation phases 2-37 will include new floors, backsplash, countertops, dishwasher removal (we’re getting rid of it all together), new sink and faucet. Sooo basically everything else.
Also, we may need to thinking about paring down our knife collection a little. Creeps!!!

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