Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dirt Cheap Artwork

Someday I will fill my entire house with millions of dollars worth of original artwork. But for now, we're on a budget which means I have to get creative. Here are few dirt cheap art projects hanging up in our place right now.

My girlfriend gave me a beautiful wedding gift (coincidentally the hummingbird print to the left!) wrapped in this amazing handmade wrapping paper. Yup. Wrapping paper. They made for two adorable little prints and you'd never know where they came from!

This one is pretty silly but we love it. Online photo printing websites like Canvas Pop and Shutter Fly are constantly running insane deals on canvas prints. It's personal and dopey and makes me smile every time I see it.

This one just cost me the frame (which I got incredibly cheap at A local brewery in my city always has killer graphic design and great event posters like this one. I was enjoying a pint and saw this beauty hanging on their event board. The event had already passed, I asked how much the poster was and they said, "Just take it." Keep your eyes peeled for beautifully designed posters and flyers! They make for some awesome, graphic, local, cheap, Cheap, CHEAP (!!!) art!

tie dye diy

One of my favorites and it was SO EASY (and cheap!!!) to make. All you need is some basic, inexpensive cotton gauze fabric, string, a box of Rit dye and some kind of frame to stretch the fabric over (just stretch and staple to the back of the frame). You could easily build this for pennies. I bought mine on clearance at Michael's for a whopping $8. Here's a great post for inspiration and techniques!

Do you have any dirt cheap art projects that look like a million bucks? Share in the comments!

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