Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Treasure Hunting in Lincoln, NE

There are a lot of reasons I'm lucky to live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

ONE. I work for a really awesome organization.
TWO. Honest Abe's is here.
THREE. Lincoln has KILLER places for thrifting and antique shopping. Truly. Some of the very best.

Here are a few of my absolute favorites. If you live in Lincoln and like looking at beautiful things, I recommend checking these guys out and at the very least, following them on Facebook and Instagram.

loft and craft lincoln

Hands down my fave. Among other things, I scored the gorgeous insect prints above our sofa there. The beautiful ladies that run this place have a lovely story and on top of that, impeccable taste.

A very close second. Home & Closet has great prices and as if that weren’t enough, groovy vintage clothing! Like Loft and Craft, they keep their inventory well managed and beautifully curated so you don’t feel completely overwhelmed, a common complaint of mine with many second hand shops!

Lovely place but you tend to get that overwhelmed, claustrophobic feeling here. There’s A LOT to look at. A big BUUUUT, I’ve had major luck here with antique dishes and little knicky knocking pieces, so definitely worth your precious, precious time.

This place is ginormous. You could literally spend all day there and not see everything. They have a good mix of all eras from super duper old stuff to Mid Century Modern (my jam!)

Lastly but not leastly, Boon Found & Made has erratic hours and it’s pricey but holy #$%* they have stunning stuff. They do a lot of repairing, refinishing and reupholstering too, which is why their merchandise tends to be on the higher end of the price spectrum.

What say you fellow Lincolnites? Any awesome places I’m missing? Do tell!